Why the name nSymbol?

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Whether you are creating office documents or working with data, you are always working with symbols. Symbols are used to write content (words and images), define data (field names), create logic (instructions) and communicate bigger concepts (knowledge graphs).

Our company name, nSymbol, reflects this. The “n” represents some unknown quantity or number of symbols, that are used together to do useful work. The symbols provide meaning for humans, and allow computers to automate with precision.

Our logo also reflects this. The A represents symbols that are used to automate processes depicted by the arrows. The color is green to represent success and the money you will save as the computer does more work for you. Tag has evolved from a service utilized by psychologists for complex reports, but can now be used in any industry. It benefits from the high bar set by psychological reports, both in format and logic capabilities.

Tag also benefits from a user base who did not want to learn complicated tech, or remember lots of commands. They wanted a no-code solution to integrate thousands of data points with hundreds of fragments of text based on their professional knowledge. So, we built one for them (and you).

The end result is a tool that gives you the power of a programmer without needing to learn how to write software code. We offer this tool as a service to you with a commitment to ongoing service and support. We’ll help you get off to a productive start and ensure that we’ve got your back if any issues arise.

We can’t wait to show you how much fun it is to click a magic wand icon and speed through your work. Once you get started, you will never want to go back to the old way of doing things.

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