nSymbol started as a collaboration between two friends... 

Clinical Psychologist


Technology Wizard


The psychologist was too busy at work because she had long and complex reports to write, over and over again. This was her motto: "I turn coffee into psych reports."

The tech wizard liked building no-code solutions, where non-technical users can share some of the power that programmers get to enjoy. So, he made her a magic wand.

This made her very happy and gave her much more free time. When her friends saw how much time she freed up (and how awesome her reports were), they wanted her to share. So, she said, "Why don't I just lend you my magic wand?"

After automating smart content for document generation, they wanted to make the wand smarter. That led to automating other kinds of knowledge and applications, and launched the company on its mission.


To make it easier for you to automate what you know.

You know how to do your job, make a good impression and communicate effectively. When going about your daily work, the computer should remember how you do it, and take care of the busy work for you the next time.

It’s time for smarter tools and we’re going to provide them.


To help people collaborate in a richer way, unburden their minds, and free up time for other things.

--> We want smarter no-code tools… software you don’t need training to use.

--> We want better collaboration… sharing knowledge that does real work.

--> We want Artificial Intelligence…
so you can work faster with less effort.

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