
Tag is a desktop application for Windows and Mac used for knowledge automation. It makes it easy to call web APIs, turns static documents into dynamic data-driven documents, and automates a wide range of functionality using task pipelines.

Yes. The Community subscription is free to use and never expires. Many features are available in the free version including samples and web APIs. Pipelines in the Automate app can be run without limitation, and can be edited using raw XML markup. The Scribe app (content generation) allows free access to data setup editing, template editing, form creation, data entry and generation preview. Document generation is supported up to a maximum of three free generations (documents saved to a file) per month.

The Starter subscription unlocks a no-code pipeline editor in the Automate app. The Individual subscription includes unlimited generation (documents saved to a file) in the Scribe app.

Yes. New accounts receive a 30-day free trial which includes all functionality for all subscriptions. After the trial ends you can purchase a paid (Starter or Individual) subscription, or continue to use the free (Community) subscription.

Creating an account and logging in

We require minimal personal information. You only have to provide an email address, first and last name when creating an account. You also have to choose a unique account name and password to use when logging in.

Note that account names are used within automatically generated namespaces (e.g.,, so shorter account names are generally preferred. These namespaces get generated when you download samples.

The login screen is displayed when you first run Tag as a desktop application on Windows or Mac computers. It has a link to click if you forget your account name that will send an email to the address provided when you created the account.

The login screen also has a link to reset your password. Clicking this link will cause an email to be sent to the address provided when you created the account. The email will contain a temporary password.

No. The login screen has a checkbox called "Remember me". If this is checked, Tag will remember your account name and password (only on the computer you are using).

There are two ways to logout of Tag using the Account menu (in the top-right corner): "Sign out and exit" and "Exit and remember me" (the default choice). If you choose the former, the remembered account name and password will be discarded and you will have to login again the next time you run Tag. Note that every 30 days Tag will force you to login again to ensure it is still you.

Onboarding services and getting started

Onboarding is a service we offer to help subscribers get started quickly using best practices. It includes direct support from our team using email, online meetings, virtual chats and phone.

We can help with getting web APIs and pipelines running in a way that works with your own content and data. Once these are running, enhancing and extending them becomes easier to estimate and complete.

A common way to help with generating content is turning an initial static document into dynamic content. This may involve sharing applicable utilities and best practices, and recommending how to organize templates.

We can also help you take advantage of advanced features such as machine learning pipeline steps. We have a good understanding of the inputs and outputs, and how you might want to wire those up using pipelines.

No. Onboarding services are available at any time. Whether you are learning a new feature set, or simply short on time, we are dedicated to helping you become more productive quickly. We also appreciate the opportunity to discover new ways to automate knowledge, and to learn more about the industries you work in.

In general, we offer the first two hours of assistance for free. After that we hand off some working examples to you, or work may continue using standard consulting rates and terms.

Not yet. In the meantime, please contact us.

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